Monday, May 21, 2007

Choose my song!

Great, yet even more proof that Hillary cannot make her own decisions, as Bay Buchanan recently pointed out in her new book, she has people voting on her campaign song! Wow, because this is very important people! A campaign song could change the world! Dear goodness gracious!

"I'll take you there" - where can Hillary take you? How about straight to higher taxes, socialized meds, and a really bad wardrobe...

"Suddenly I See" - the light and not to vote for her!

Can't make fun of U2 songs!

"Rock this country" - in a bad way!

"Right Here, Right now" - and for as long as you'll let her!

"I'm a Believer" - that if she wins we're screwed (sorry Mom...that was the only clean word I could think of)

"Get ready" - cuz here she comes to...yeah, I don't know anything good she could do!

"Ready to Run" - for president and beyond! I wouldn't be surprised if a position at the UN is in her future. Corrupt people always hang out with corrupt people.

Here are the links...



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Castro's biggest fan..... literally

Michael Moore is at it again. He definitely has a talent for getting people fired up by distorting facts. He’s making a new movie entitled “sickly” about the Health Care system in America. Granted, I have issues with our healthcare, and I don’t know what exactly his take on it is going to be, but the one thing I did hear about the movie really frustrates me. He took some of the 9/11 worker to Cuba to get treatment. First of all, he had not yet gotten permission from the government to go over there, but I guess he can just do what he wants! But anyway.. He’s headed over to the “workers paradise” to get these workers the health care they need. There are a few people that receive good health care in Cuba, the Communist Party officials and foreigners willing to pay dollars for healthcare. Meanwhile the people of Cuba have horrible health care. But Michael Moore just loves the socialized health care… if he thinks America is so awful, why doesn’t he just move?!?!
Michael Moore tried to call out Fred Thompson for having a Box of Cuban cigar’s, after Thompson questioned if Moore could legally take these people to Cuba. Moore asked Thompson for a debate on American Health Care.. and this was Thompson’s response.. it’s GREAT.. love it, can’t wait till runs for President!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Socialist Feminists Unite! But not really...

The last day or two the Hillary camp was on the war path to stop any and all comparisons of their beloved boss to the socialist party loser in France’s recent presidential election. Hillary’s cronies were saying that there was a large difference between Royal and Mrs. Rodham-Clinton. By large I think they meant body size, sorry, couldn’t resist.

During the French campaign Ms. Royal (who is not married to her partner and the father of her children) tried to convince voters that the new president elect would not help them and violence would occur if she wasn’t elected. Would you want to vote for a woman who threatened violence if her opponent won? Sounds very Hillary like to me…

Both women are staunch socialists. Royal might be a little more down that hellish path to nowhere but I guarantee you that if our country was not founded as a constitutional republic then Hillary would be coming up with even more brilliant ideas for socialism here. Hillarycare rings a bell. Sounds alike to me.

Both are feminists who have focused more on their political careers then their children. Another likeness.

Both women have weak men in their lives who are also involved in politics.

Both are outgoing, loud, obnoxious and weak on defense.

I could come up with a ton of other likenesses if needed I’m sure.

Bottom line of all this is that I sincerely BOTH turn out to be losers.