Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Socialist Feminists Unite! But not really...

The last day or two the Hillary camp was on the war path to stop any and all comparisons of their beloved boss to the socialist party loser in France’s recent presidential election. Hillary’s cronies were saying that there was a large difference between Royal and Mrs. Rodham-Clinton. By large I think they meant body size, sorry, couldn’t resist.

During the French campaign Ms. Royal (who is not married to her partner and the father of her children) tried to convince voters that the new president elect would not help them and violence would occur if she wasn’t elected. Would you want to vote for a woman who threatened violence if her opponent won? Sounds very Hillary like to me…

Both women are staunch socialists. Royal might be a little more down that hellish path to nowhere but I guarantee you that if our country was not founded as a constitutional republic then Hillary would be coming up with even more brilliant ideas for socialism here. Hillarycare rings a bell. Sounds alike to me.

Both are feminists who have focused more on their political careers then their children. Another likeness.

Both women have weak men in their lives who are also involved in politics.

Both are outgoing, loud, obnoxious and weak on defense.

I could come up with a ton of other likenesses if needed I’m sure.

Bottom line of all this is that I sincerely BOTH turn out to be losers.



D.Pod said...

I really hope Hilary gets the Dem nomination, because there is no way she'll win the general election. But if she does get elected, I might move to Hong Kong. :0)

Mr. Noah Hawthorne said...

Is this a joke, cause it sure is funny!!!