Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ron Paul Guy?

So far all the Ron Paul supporters I’ve come in contact with are a little CRAZY. They are very passionate about their candidate…. But to the point I’m scared of them. I’m even a little worried that after posting this video my life may be in danger. I have to attach a warning: this is the Terrifyingly Hilarious hope it doesn’t get stuck in your head!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ron Paul and his Quacks

Every day Ron Paul supporters are showing up at all kinds of events to cause chaos and wave their signs with profile shots of Ron that make him look like a modern day Lincoln. Paul is farther from Lincoln than any president who has ever served.

The video below shows some poor young man who had nothing better to do with a Saturday last week that he followed around the Glen Beck book tour. He was kicked out first in Cinci and then again in Columbus. Please listen carefully to what these people are saying. Listen, research, question and decide on your own.

The comparison to the movie “V for Vendetta” is so weird to me. I have not watched the movie yet but have Netflixed it for viewing this weekend. Ron Paul event used the infamous date of Nov. 5th as a huge fundraising day for him. The money he raised still doesn’t compare to the millions he’d have to have to keep up with other presidential candidates.

Why are they so wrapped up in a revolution? Why do they believe that the largest terror attack against the US needs to be investigated? I personally believe crazies like this are hiding behind Ron Paul and using him as an excuse for their anti-American hatred, revolution ideas, and anti war talk. There aren’t just people on the far right who support Paul; there are also a lot of people on the far left. Probably those from the Daily Kos, their aluminum hats would fit in with this crowd.

At the end of the video they say that “note your tax dollars are used to pay for Glen’s security.” Having traveled for work numerous times with people who often need a little security it is common for city police and state highway patrolmen to come to events like this. Whether it is for Glen Beck and Sean Hannity or Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Even if Ron Paul, their beloved savior who apparently knows all were to go to that same bookstore the management and tour directors would arrange for police protection.

To add a little more to the craziness that is Ron Paul - the owner of the Bunny Ranch in Nevada is asking his customers to donate to Ron Paul. Wow, that’s a brilliant idea! Asking your paid hookers to ask horny and dirty old men to donate to a presidential candidate before they “work” on them. Sorry- long side note that will probably upset my mother. Love you mom!

I’ve heard some compare him to this presidential election’s Ross Perot…I think Ross is saner than Ron. How he was elected to represent his state of TX I don’t know. Actually both Paul and Perot are from TX, scary thought. Must be all those Texans who are so full of state pride they want to secede from the Union. They’re the only state who can constitutionally do so. Sorry Rhi, I still love you and your TX pride.

Even in this month’s GQ they dedicated a paragraph to him in the midst of this year’s “great men.” GQ’s writers polarized Paul as a man who always stirs it up in the midst of a group of candidates who are familiar and boring. Glamorizing someone who wants to eliminate the public education system and the Federal Reserve along with the Dept. of Defense and other federal departments does not seem like a good idea to me.

See below for some off his supporter’s videos.

Come back later to see what Erin has to say about the Ron Paul Guy…talk about a catchy tune!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Choose my song!

Great, yet even more proof that Hillary cannot make her own decisions, as Bay Buchanan recently pointed out in her new book, she has people voting on her campaign song! Wow, because this is very important people! A campaign song could change the world! Dear goodness gracious!

"I'll take you there" - where can Hillary take you? How about straight to higher taxes, socialized meds, and a really bad wardrobe...

"Suddenly I See" - the light and not to vote for her!

Can't make fun of U2 songs!

"Rock this country" - in a bad way!

"Right Here, Right now" - and for as long as you'll let her!

"I'm a Believer" - that if she wins we're screwed (sorry Mom...that was the only clean word I could think of)

"Get ready" - cuz here she comes to...yeah, I don't know anything good she could do!

"Ready to Run" - for president and beyond! I wouldn't be surprised if a position at the UN is in her future. Corrupt people always hang out with corrupt people.

Here are the links...



Thursday, May 17, 2007

Castro's biggest fan..... literally

Michael Moore is at it again. He definitely has a talent for getting people fired up by distorting facts. He’s making a new movie entitled “sickly” about the Health Care system in America. Granted, I have issues with our healthcare, and I don’t know what exactly his take on it is going to be, but the one thing I did hear about the movie really frustrates me. He took some of the 9/11 worker to Cuba to get treatment. First of all, he had not yet gotten permission from the government to go over there, but I guess he can just do what he wants! But anyway.. He’s headed over to the “workers paradise” to get these workers the health care they need. There are a few people that receive good health care in Cuba, the Communist Party officials and foreigners willing to pay dollars for healthcare. Meanwhile the people of Cuba have horrible health care. But Michael Moore just loves the socialized health care… if he thinks America is so awful, why doesn’t he just move?!?!
Michael Moore tried to call out Fred Thompson for having a Box of Cuban cigar’s, after Thompson questioned if Moore could legally take these people to Cuba. Moore asked Thompson for a debate on American Health Care.. and this was Thompson’s response.. it’s GREAT.. love it, can’t wait till runs for President!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Socialist Feminists Unite! But not really...

The last day or two the Hillary camp was on the war path to stop any and all comparisons of their beloved boss to the socialist party loser in France’s recent presidential election. Hillary’s cronies were saying that there was a large difference between Royal and Mrs. Rodham-Clinton. By large I think they meant body size, sorry, couldn’t resist.

During the French campaign Ms. Royal (who is not married to her partner and the father of her children) tried to convince voters that the new president elect would not help them and violence would occur if she wasn’t elected. Would you want to vote for a woman who threatened violence if her opponent won? Sounds very Hillary like to me…

Both women are staunch socialists. Royal might be a little more down that hellish path to nowhere but I guarantee you that if our country was not founded as a constitutional republic then Hillary would be coming up with even more brilliant ideas for socialism here. Hillarycare rings a bell. Sounds alike to me.

Both are feminists who have focused more on their political careers then their children. Another likeness.

Both women have weak men in their lives who are also involved in politics.

Both are outgoing, loud, obnoxious and weak on defense.

I could come up with a ton of other likenesses if needed I’m sure.

Bottom line of all this is that I sincerely BOTH turn out to be losers.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Do You Think Unibrows are Sexy?

Don’t pluck your eyebrows; get your hair died like Brad Pitt, or wear makeup. Well, men shouldn’t wear makeup anyway unless you’re Jean Simmons so Ahmadinejad and I might agree on that point. Now the Iranian government is telling people to not allow “western” style hair cuts. For those of you who don’t know “western” would be anything like American or Europeans. So sad, my boyfriend has great hair I think all Iranian men should sport! Side-note: if a man can shave he can pluck his eyebrows too but the makeup thing is a little much.

Just last week Iran was threatening to ban women from the country if they did not wear head coverings that since 1979 have been a part of the national Sharia law for women there. I think I’d ditch the veil and beg to be sent somewhere, anywhere else!

It is ridiculous to me that there is a country where women have to cover their heads, have arranged marriages, men can’t get their hair cut the way they want!

When those students last fall were protesting the ranking of their university professors based upon their opinion of Iran’s dictator it was encouraging that they too understand the system they are living under is not free or just. It was sad though that only a couple of thousand gathered as they were probably too afraid for their lives to speak out against a regime that is condoned and ignored by many.

Democrats think we should continue to negotiate with Iran even though they are relentlessly trying to get their grimy little hands on nuclear power. Can you tell me why on earth we’d want a man who will not recognize the nation of Israel that the Holocaust occurred, or that women are equal to men the right to own nuclear weapons? Still nothing – thought so. But that is what leading Democrats want to do. Numerous times they have called on our amazing Sec. of State to hop on a state plane and head over to Tehran to “negotiate” with Mahmoud. Thank God Condi is strong enough and has our president’s support not to go over there. Dictator Ahmadinejad probably wouldn’t see her simply because she is a woman, a highly brilliant and educated one at that.

The events with the capture of the British military men and woman in Iran shook up our British ally and Blair did his best to deal with the situation with Bush’s backing. This circumstance brought back scary memories that some held of the 1979 Iran hostage crisis. Survivors who were held from 1979 to 1981 relived the horrors and torture of being away from family, friends, and always wondering when they were going to die.

Ahmadinejad’s “gracious” release of the captives this year was just an ingenious media ploy that sadly, most likely worked on many Americans and Britain’s who were relieved no one had been killed or injured.

The answer to our Iranian problem I do not have, but I do know we cannot sit and negotiate any longer. We must stop any and all workings with crazy dictators and make them realize that America, although we are part of the world community, is still a sovereign nation who does not need them and their restrictive “law.”


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tony Snow

Along with being one of the most genuine and kind people in politics (kinda) that I've ever met he's also been fighting cancer for the last couple of years. PTL he is returning to work on Monday as was just reported by FNC before the commercial break. I'll post an article as I find one. : )


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Will Illegals leave their hearts in San Francisco?

Immigration is what makes America the great nation that it is. I myself am a mutt - all American mix. I have Cherokee, Irish, French, German and English in me. I've heard stories about my great-grandfather Kress who came over on a boat from Germany and lied about his age so he could join the US military! I've also been to Tahlequah and Muskogee, OK where I learned about the Trail of Tears and all my Indian ancestors went through during their journey from North Carolina to Northern Oklahoma. But, none of this gives me the right to stand idly by and endorse those who enter our country illegally.

I am no politician, expert, or economist who can break down every issue but the bottom line is we should not encourage illegal actions let alone reward them and protect the people who commit them.

Having been at the protests last year in NYC (3 of them - one with a very large Cuban bodyguard because my employers were worried about my safety) I know that not every illegal immigrant is the most polite and patriotic American out there. Many were wearing t-shirts of the guerilla warmonger Che and thought Hugo Chavez should come to the US and “take that a - - hole Bush’s job!” They also said they would never join the military, they should get tax cuts for the "risk" they took to come here illegally, they would turn against their employers if needed and they do not care about voting but want all of the rights of voters. Overall those few weeks and events last spring were an eye opening experience.

Now San Francisco Mayor Gavin “I’m sorry I f!%@#d your wife and lied about it, cheated on my wife Kimberly Guilfoyle, and dated a 19 yr. old and then run to rehab” Newsom (not to mention that weird licking the microphone incident at a press conference) want to turn the city of San Francisco, CA into an illegal immigrant safe zone. Sorry for the run on sentence but I had to fill you in on his indiscretions. Nice job San Fran…well, that’s sarcasm because you did elect Pelosi. (Article can be found here -

Yes, there should be exceptions for “illegal” immigrants from other countries. I would think we should call it asylum from freaks like Chavez, Castro, Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinejad and others. You know, people who have a reason to want to drastically change their lives and come here and make a new life for themselves where they can speak out against the government and not be shot, or women can wear shorts, or they don’t have food rations…those countries citizens are welcome! If you’re from ANY other country then come legally!

I know our system is messed up and sadly you’re likely to get better treatment from sneaking across the Rio Grande then waiting on a list to come legally and that is something we have to change. The Republicans, when they were in the majority, failed miserably to do this and don’t even think about hoping the Democrats will do something. Oh no! Those ill imms are perfect voters for them – I did mention Dems want to give them free insurance, social security cards, voting rights and driver’s licenses right? Sorry, must have forgotten. Add free college education to the list too! Where is that money coming from? Those tax increases they’re working on!

If I was rewarded for breaking the laws at the rate ill imms are then when I was in that fender bender at 16 the judge would have given me convertible!

EB - (who’s currently packing her bags to head to the city where you can get away with anything!)


So while skimming through the NY Post this morning I came across this -

April 24, 2007 -- SHERYL Crow should eat crow. The save-the-environment rocker who's on a "Stop Global Warming College Tour" with Laurie David and just proposed a limit on toilet paper usage is a big gas-guzzler. Her performance rider demands for each show include three tractor trailers, four buses and six cars for her entourage, reports. She also insists on 12 bottles of Grolsch beer, six bottles of "local" beer and a bottle each of "good Australian Cabernet" and "good Merlot." Crow's flack said the rider was "an old one from 10 years ago" but declined to show us a current one (NY Post)

Tractor trailers!?!?! Does she have animals on tour or something?

BTW- thanks to my Mom we now have readers in OK and TX who like us! ER and I were talking last night and we have readers in NY, HI (two islands!), OK, TX, CO, and TN! Thanks to our tell your friends!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Are you peeing "green"

Sheryl Crow…when I think of her I automatically think of “all I wana do is have some fun!” Although, today all she wants to do (with the help of lib freak Laurie David) is ruin American’s lives!

Crow is joining the long list of celebrities and politicians from John “$400 haircut” Edwards to Gwyneth “Americans are stupid” Paltrow who talk about their two America’s and the ozone layer burning with a growing hole in the sky but still own their large homes, go on tours with huge buses and SUVs, take private planes, and more! Do you think they only shop at all organic places? And no, we’re not talking Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Those places export from other places so hard core environmentalists like a NY family featured in the NY Times a couple of months ago ONLY buy food from the surrounding area so as not to use too much energy and pollution that can hurt the earth. They might be freaks but at least these people aren’t hypocrites.

Now Miss (or should I say Ms. because without a doubt she’s a feminist too) Crow is telling Americans they can limit how much TOILET PAPER they use when going…well, you know. Seriously (not trying to sound too much like a Grey’s Anatomy actor) but, seriously?!?!?! I do NOT want to get into what we all go through when we…go, but come on people! Do you think you could use just one square? No Quilted Northern, Charmin, or Scott toilet paper will do the trick with one sheet or square or whatever you want to call it!

Needless to say I am glad Lance is no longer with her – he and I might have our political differences (no, I don’t personally know him) but he is a great American (to steal a line from my boss) and deserves so much better then a 40 yr. old-braless-died hair-bus riding-private plane flying-American bashing-feminist singer. I mean, who wants to hook up with someone who only goes through a roll of toilet paper a yr (maybe more). This is if she gets the 400 sheet roll.

Now go soak up some sun everyone! J


I totally agree E! I know we all love Sheryl, especially with grate advice like, “I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies.” The Toilet paper rationing is just ridiculous. One square… one square... has anyone ever tried to use one square? Oh but thanks for budging on those “pesky situations” and giving us 2-3 squares.. yeah, that’s a big help!
Let’s take a look at some more practical things that you can do Sheryl, hey I have a great idea, let’s band together to fight global warming and have everyone DRIVE out to a concert. I hope these are acoustic concerts, how much energy are these concerts costing us. Are you asking everyone to ride bikes to these huge concerts you are throwing to raise awareness for global warming? But I guess we can always buy some carbon offsets! Are they going to be selling Toilet Paper offsets too? I’m sure there are some people our there that can spare a square!

Do I even get into the clothing line idea?

“I have designed a clothing line that has what's called a "dining sleeve". The sleeve is detachable and can be replaced with another "dining sleeve," after usage. The design will offer the "diner" the convenience of wiping his mouth on his sleeve rather than throwing out yet another barely used paper product.. I think this idea could also translate quite well to those suffering with an annoying head cold.”

That is just SICK! Do we really want to be sitting next to people at restaurants that are wiping there mouths on their sleeves, what are we toddlers? Should we just carry around bibs? Let’s just think ahead for a minute. Are we not going to be using more energy and detergent to wash our sleeves after using them? Did she say that this would be good for people with head colds too? So basically we are going to be walking around with snotty, food stained sleeves, is this what the world is coming to?

Socialist unite and please tell us how much toilet paper we can use, the general public is too dumb to regulate these things ourselves. If you leave us to decide how much toilet paper we need we will just abuse our toilet paper pillages.